

1. 高中英语求助信怎么写

Dear teacher,
My name is Zhou Ming.I’m writing a letter to you to ask for some help.I have met much difficulty in learning English.First,I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember.Besides,the texts are too long for me to recite.What’s more,grammar is also very difficult to learn.
Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask you for some help.Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily?In the meanwhile,I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that the average students can easily follow you.Also,I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar.
I’m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.


2. 高中英语求助信怎么写


3. 高中英语作文 求助信范文 精选

~亲~       别着急~       有的是~
Dear Brown,    
    It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four years'study he has done a good job. Every year he got the first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excellent Graduate.    
    He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company.    
                                                                                                                            Wang Lin    
亲爱的布朗:    我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李明毕业于北京工业大学。他的专业是计算机软件。在四年的学习中,他的功课非常优秀。每年他都获得一等奖学金,而且他已经获得了优秀毕业生的称号。    他是一个热情、积极上进、具有很大潜力的年轻人。他不仅学习快而且善于用逻辑解决难题。我相信如果他能进入你们公司工作,会给你们公司带来很多好处。我强力推荐他到你们公司。    您的朋友   王林                        

Dear Brown,    
      I am very glad to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for a job in yourcompany.   He is a graduate from Beijing Industry University.   His major is Computer Software. In the past four years he has got the first grade scholarship for four times. And this year he got the title of the Excellent Graduate.  
      He not only studies well but also has great capacity. He is good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I think that he has great potentialities. If he can join the company, he will be able to give full play to his talent. And your company will also be greatly benefited. I strongly recommend Li Ming to your company.   
                                                                                                                    Wang Lin

亲爱的布朗,    我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李明是北京工业大学的一名毕业生。他的专业是计算机。在过去四年里,他得了四次一等奖学金,而且今年他获得了优秀毕业生的称号。    他不仅学习好而且有很强的能力。他善于用逻辑解决难题,我认为他有很大潜力。如果他能进入你们公司工作,他就能够展现他的才能,你们公司也会受益匪浅。我强力推荐他到你们公司。    您的朋友   王林    2、求职信   


Dear Sir or Madam,   
         I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.   
         My name is Li Min.   I am twenty-three years old.   I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative. 
         Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.   
                                                                                                                  Yours faithfully   
                                                                                                                        Li Min
亲爱的先生或女士:    我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书。我希望您考虑一下我。    我叫李敏,23岁,现在在厦门大学学习经济管理,今年夏季即将毕业。我精通计算机操作及办公软件的使用,这可以帮助我做好办公室工作。我学了十年英语。在过去的两年里我一直担任本系英语报的一名编辑。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我非常喜欢办公室工作并且我也认为我能胜任这个工作。如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会非常感激。   谢谢您的考虑。我盼望着您的回信。    您忠实的朋友   李敏

Dear Sir or Madam,   
          In an advertisement I know that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like to apply for the job.   
          I am a student of business management in Xiamen University. My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old and will graduate this summer.I am able to operate computer skillfully. I think this is very important for office work. I have learned English for ten years. I am very good at English, so I have been an editor of my department's English Paper in the past two years. My grades are among the best ones in my department. Besides,I like office work very much and I can be competent in it. I will be quite appreciative if I am offered the opportunity.  
         Thank you for your consideration. I wish to get your answer soon.   
                                                                                                                      Yours faithfully
                                                                                                                             Li Min
亲爱的先生或女士:    我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书,我打算申请这份工作。    我是厦门大学经济管理系的学生。我叫李敏,23岁,今年夏季即将毕业。我能熟练运 用计算机。我认为这一点对于办公室工作是非常重要的。我学了十年英语。我英语很好,所以在过去的两年里我一直是本系英语报的一名编辑。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我非常喜欢办公室工作而且我能胜任这个工作。如果我得到这个机会,我会非常感激。   谢谢您的考虑。我希望不久就得到您的回信。    您忠实的朋友   李敏

Dear Mr. John,   
     How are things going with you in Beijing?   
     I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much.   
     I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it.   
      All the best.   
                                                                                                                         Liu Jie   
亲爱的约翰先生:   您在北京过得怎么样?    我写信向您表达我的谢意。去北京前您辅导我的英语口语。在您的帮助下我很快取得进步,所以能在市里举办的英语口语比赛中取得第一名。我的成绩应该归功于您的帮助。非常感谢。    我听说您和您的夫人要来我们学校访问。听到这个消息我非常高兴。那样的话我们就又可以见面了。期盼着您的到来。我给您寄去一件小礼物“望远镜”。希望您喜欢。  万事如意。    您的朋友   刘杰 

Dear Editor,   
     I'm writing to tell you about the discussion on whether an entrance fee should  be charged for parks. Opinions vary from person to person on this issue.  
     50% of the students disagree with the idea of entrance fees. In their opinion, parks are public places where all the people can have a rest and enjoy themselves. So if an entrance fee is charged, some people will surely be kept away from the park. Besides, in order to charge entrance fees,gates and walls must be built. They think that it will do harm to the appearance of a city.   
     40% of the students agree with the idea of entrance fees, because the gardeners need to be paid and new plants and flowers need to be bought.But fees should be charged reasonably.   
                                                                                                                    Yours truly,   
亲爱的编辑:    我写信告诉您关于公园是否要收门票的讨论结果。在这个问题上,意见有分歧。   60%的学生不同意收费。他们认为公园是公共场所,所有人都可以在那休息娱乐。所以如果收门票,必然有些人会被拒之门外。另外,为了收门票,就得建大门和围墙,他们认为这会破坏城市的形象。    40%的学生同意收门票。因为需要付给园丁工资,而且需要购进新的花木。但是收费应该合理。    您真正的朋友XXX 

Dear Headmaster,   
     As the minister of students' life in the Student Union, I am writing to you to reflect something about our canteen.   
     To our satisfaction, the canteen supplies us with various kinds of food.This gives us many choices. At the same time the price for the food is low and the food is tasty. And the surroundings for having a meal have been improved. The canteen has become clean. And when we are eating, we can watch TV.   
     But something unsatisfactory exists, too. For example, the quantity of a helping is less than it should be. This is unfair. And in the canteen, the seats are not enough. Some students have to stand while eating. We hope that the school will consider addingmore seats for us.   
     Finally we hope that they can improve the quality of the food and their   service. We will be very happy if our advice is taken.   
                                                                                                    Yours respectfully, 
尊敬的校长:    作为学生会生活部部长,我给您写信反映食堂的情况。    令我们满意的是,食堂提供很多种类的食物,这给了我们很多选择。同时饭菜价格便宜,味道可口,而且就餐环境也改善了。食堂干净了。我们吃饭时还可以看电视。    但是令人不满意的方面也存在。例如,食物分量不足,这是不公平的。并且食堂的座位不够,一些学生不得不站着吃。我们希望学校会考虑增添些座位。    最后我们希望他们能改进饭菜的质量,改善服务。我们的建议若被采纳我们会非常高兴。    尊敬您的    XXX
     假如你是 Tom ,是某中学的在校学生,你给市长写封信,反映学校周围的环境问题。  
     1. 学校周围存在一个市场,噪音、空气污染严重;   2. 小商贩( peddler )经常出入学校,影响学生上课;   3. 受市场影响,部分学生弃学从商;   4. 要求搬迁市场。  
     1. 词数: 100 左右;   2. 论点明确,论证合乎逻辑。   [内容要点]    1. 噪音空气污染严重:    noise and air pollution are serious   2. 商贩出入学校:    peddler often go in and out of school   3. 部分学生弃学从商:    give up schooling and to be in-business 4. 要求市场搬迁:    ask the market to be moved  
[例题分析]    本文要求考生陈述市场需要搬迁的理由,并进行论证,使之有理有据。本文对于培养学生观察、分析问题的能力及关心他人,关心社会具有积极的意义。  
Mr Mayor,   
     We strongly ask the market near our school to be moved. It lies in three reasons.  
     First, some noise and air pollution make us unable to fix our attention on study.  
     Second, so many peddlers often go in and out of our school freely that we can't listen to our lessons clearly which is likely to be dangerous to us.   
     At last, I'll say that some of the students begin to give up schooling and to be in-business, affected by the market.  
     We are looking forward to your answer.   

高中英语作文 求助信范文 精选

4. 高中英语信

         Dear Madama/Sir:
         When Miss xxx requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your esteemed university, as her teacher, I am pleased to write this letter for her.
         I got to know xxx when she took part in National School of Mathematical Modeling Contest in 2005.
         Exactly, the time was one hour before the contest be over. At that time other groups already handed over the paper and program to person in charge and only her group around the computer amended something, I came to remind them of hurrying up and found that they were amending the map which I felt very good and also accorded with the paper requirement.
         When I asked her what she did, she said that she put several cities on the wrong places so she must correct them. She checked it again and again, before ten minutes the contest would be over and her group handed over the map. I was impressed by her clinging spirit which made her group win the second prize in the mathematical modeling contest.
         The second time of meeting her was that I reviewed practices things in her class. When I saw her, she only one stayed in the class to consult materials, I asked her why other students couldn’t stay with her, she said that other students were cold and she let them go to back to have a rest.
         She already found out a new arithmetic but didn’t use it masterly, so she used three computers to check the results by changing parameters. The quantities of data were so large that I couldn’t believe she was able to finish the task, while I was surprised by her confidence and ability, she finished them on time. I was impressed by her spirit on academy again.
         At her junior year, I taught her mathematic modeling course, she treated it very earnestly and she always finished each practical subject perfectly. Such as, after I gave her some key guidance, she classified the knowledge needed for study and listed the best methods to acquire knowledge on this field and finished it efficiently.
         Recently I got to know she will apply for financing engineering and I was glad to tell her that if she connects theory with practice, she will exert mathematical character better. I strongly support her decision and hope my recommendation will receive your favorable consideration.
         Sincerely yours
         Professor xxx
         To Whom It May Concern:
         I have had the distinct pleasure of having XXX as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School.
         XXX has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.
         The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and XXX fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. XXX is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater.
         She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. XXX also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League.
         Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well.
         One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners. With XXX’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude.
         Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. Because of her natural leadership abilities, XXX was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of XXX as a colleague.
         Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend XXX Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State.
         Respectfully submitted,
         XXX, Ph.D.
         to whom it may concern:
         i have had the distinct pleasure of having xxx as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at eastern little hope high school.
         xxx has been more than the ideal student. in order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.
         the academics at eastern little hope are most challenging, and xxx fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses.
         xxx is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. she has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. xxx also holds the degree of special distinction, as a member of the national forensic league.
         due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well. one of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners.
         with xxx’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude. therefore, i could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor.
         because of her natural leadership abilities, xxx was selected as our debate captain. on account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, i often thought of xxx as a colleague.
         since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and i will always hold her in the highest esteem, i sincerely recommend xxx stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at eastern little hope state.
         respectfully submitted,
         xxx, ph.d.

5. 英语建议信范文加翻译,高中的,范文哦!!!

Dear President,
I am a student of Class Seven, Grade Two of our school. I am writing to share some advices with you. We all know that study is the most important task for senior students, so it’s necessary for us to spend most of our time in study. However, proper rest is necessary for us as well. But in our school, we only have a short night to rest, which I think it’s not good to us. I did a survey in our school that collect the ideas about having a longer rest every week. Almost all students say that they need more time to rest and relax. Therefore, according the opinions of our students, I would like to advise that set an afternoon and a night for students to have a good rest. Proper rest can help students focus on study better. I will be more than happy that you could accept the suggestion.
Sincerely yours,



6. 高中英语作文书信范文

    Dear John, 
    Long time no see, how is your summer vacation? I’m really sorry for writing so late. I have been too busy at this moment. I am happy to hear that you have traveled to Tibet at this summer holiday. How I wish I could go there with you! 
    好久不见,你的暑假过得还好吗?很抱歉那么晚才写信给你。这段时间我真的太忙了。我很高兴听说暑假你去了 *** 旅游。我真希望我也和你一起去。 
    Let me tell you something about my summer holiday. My summer holiday is rich and colorful. My parents take me to Hong Kong. That’s a beautiful place. I buy a lot of funny things at there. Such as pretty dresses, cute dolls and the snacks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and never e back! In a word, I really appreciate the life there. 
    I’m really looking forward to your reply! 
    Truly yours, 
    Dear Jack: 
    Hello! Are you busy recently? 
    I have a good piece of news to tell you. Next Sunday, I will travel around the countryside with my parents. We will live with my grandfather for a few weeks. I am sure I will enjoy the country life with the friendly people, the fresh air and the gentle pace of life. There are some fruit trees around my grandfather's house. It is the time that the fruit are ripe. When I e back, I will bring some fresh fruits to you and also share my experience with you. 
    The only thing bothers me is that I have bought a ticket to the theatre for next Sunday evening. I decide to send the ticket to you. I am wondering whether you have time to watch. If so, could you e to my house and take the ticket? 
    Best wishes to you! 
    Yours sincerely, 
    September, 18th 
    Dear Sandy, 
    I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olympic English petition for the middle school students. I know that you are always good at English. You often win the praise of our English teacher and always in the first place of our class. So I’m surprise at all that you bee champion for this petition. However, in my mind, this match is very difficult. So I beemore and more admire you. Sincere congratulation to you again. 
    Best wishes, 

7. 英语作文求助信

Dear teacher,
My name is Zhou Ming.I’m writing a letter to you to ask for some help.I have met much difficulty in learning English.First,I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember.Besides,the texts are too long for me to recite.What’s more,grammar is also very difficult to learn.
Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask you for some help.Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily?In the meanwhile,I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that the average students can easily follow you.Also,I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar.
I’m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.


8. 高一英语求助信作文八十词左右加翻译

I’m going out shopping,and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm.I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library.At about 1 o’clock this afternoon,Tracy called,saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to.She felt very sorry about that,but said that you could set some other time for the meeting.She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home.She has already told Susan about this change.
Yours,Li Hua
假设你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里.今天的房东Mrs Wilson不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson写一留言条,内容包括:1,外出购物2,替房东还书3,Tracy来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton coffee)见面取消2)此事已告知Susan3)尽快回电